Server status

See the current status on all our servers and related services.

Should there be a problem with a server or service, it will be shown on this site and our system administrators will be informed immediately, 24/7.

All customers can view a detailed operational report for their particular products in our control panel.

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Operating announcements

Information on current operating problems

There are currently no operation problems registered on any servers.

Scheduled service maintenance

Feb 9, 2024 10:08 AM CET to Jul 31, 2024 11:59 PM CEST Highlighted right now

Due to on-going maintenance work on our backup servers, some customers are currently experiencing issues with restoring data through our control panel. All data is still being backed up every night, but the restore process initiated by customers through the Controlpanel can be delayed.

If you experience issues with restores, please contact our customer service, who will be able restore the data manually.